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Welcome to the DUTCHBUSHCRAFTDAD Hennessy Hammock 101 page.
Here you'll find countless (beginner, advanced and expert) Tips & Tricks for your Hennessy.
This page will be updated on a regular basis, so feel free to come back soon to update your skills!
Tips and Tricks: "No drip lines needed"
Tips and Tricks: Tom Hennessy's lashing technique
Tips and Tricks: How to setup a separate Ridgeline for your Rainfly Part-1
How to setup a separate Ridgeline for your Rainfly -Part 2
Hennessy 4Season Survivorman 101 beginners guide
Chair Height
There are many ways to tie up a hammock. The way that I recommend does not require any expertise with fancy knots, In fact, it's not a knot at all, it's a lashing. A lashing is a wrapping of rope in a simple repeat pattern. The beauty of the lashing is that it will never jam as a knot often will. Even after a night of tightening from your weight, you can untie it easily in the dark, in the rain, with one hand with your eyes closed. Once you take a few minutes to learn this lashing, you will never have a problem setting up or taking down your shelter.
The recommended distance between trees is 12' to 25' feet / 3.5 to 7.5 meter for the Expedition Asym and Ultralight Backpacker Asym models and 13'-26' / 4 - 8 meters for the Explorer and Safari models.
Your hammock should be tied at a height that allows the hammock entrance to be at chair height when you sit down. The farther apart the trees, the higher up on the tree you'll have to attach your webbing straps.
Watch Jurjen tie the lashing by viewing the video at the top of the page! If you learn this lashing you'll never have a jammed knot, your ropes will last a long time, and you'll save time. Wrap webbing straps one or more times around tree and bring loops together in line with the opposite tree. Pass rope ends through webbing loops. Adjust hammock until centered and ridge line is level and under light tension. Wrap the loose rope end completely around the tensioned support rope and then drop rope end down into the space between the webbing loops and the tree.
Tighten any slack in the lashing. Repeat lashing at least 3 more times in this "figure 8" pattern and tie off with two half hitches leaving at least 6"/15 cm of rope. Entrance should be at chair height under tension of your weight.
For foul weather, adjust hammock width by changing angle of side elastics.
Other Methods of Tying Up the Hammock May Cause Damage to Suspending Ropes
Tom Hennessy has been following with interest all the cool new ideas on the forums like the rap rings.
He has sailed a big sailboat for 40 years and knows what makes ropes wear out and break. When he designed the Hennessy suspension system, he had to consider many factors such as long term life of the ropes and the safety of HH customers. The HH system avoids any metal parts. This reduces weight and cost and eliminates corrosion. Any system which point loads the rope creates a point of failure. Tom prefers to spread the load with multiple wraps in a figure eight pattern. Attachments of the ropes directly to the soft webbing straps also eliminate abrasion to the ropes. One HH customer hiked the AT twice with his little dog Pumpkin and slept in his hammock at home every night for 8 years. The ropes were still OK!! Tom traded him for a new one to put the old hammock in the HH museum.
As a designer, Tom is always looking for the simplest, cheapest, lightest, fastest and safest way to do anything. He expects to improve the HH whenever possible but the present lashing system allows for some error and still works. The last thing anyone wants is one of their customers to fall. Some of the new systems are great for the DIY guys and Tom wants to encourage them to keep on innovating, especially ways to make their systems a little more foolproof.
Tom is also fascinated with the idea of clam cleats which he had used on his boat. He rejected them because of their tendency to point load and weaken the rope. Some people are looking for an adjustable attachment so that they don't have to untie the lashing and retie it. Tom has played around with double or triple taut line hitches - two seems to be enough.
If you look at the website set-up videos you will see a video showing the lashing that Tom recommends to attach the rope to the webbing straps. The beauty of this system is that the rope is tied to the soft webbing which prevents wear because it allows multiple wraps against the smooth surface of the webbing straps.
Tom also likes the idea of carabiners and wanted to sell them as accessories; however, when he inquired about purchasing them for sale on the HH site, he was told by the manufacturers that they would only guarantee them for climbing purposes and they wouldn't sell them for any other purpose because their insurance wouldn't cover them. Inexperienced people using carabiners can use them in the wrong way which would be unsafe. If the carabiner is set up sideways instead of pulling in the correct direction, the gate could rip out and the hamock could fall.
Tom's directions: Align asymmetrical fly to match hammock shape. Clip the plastic "0" rings at each end of the canopy to the stronger plastic hooks of the sliding knot tensioner tied to the main support ropes, being sure to leave this adjustment untensioned until last. Next, clip the lighter plastic hook attached to each end of the canopy onto the main support rope. Center canopy widthwise by attaching side adjustment cords equally tight to nearby tree branches or ground anchors at whatever angle seems right for the conditions. Lastly, push each sliding knot tensioner along the main support ropes until the canopy is centered lengthwise and fairly tight. In wet, windy conditions, attach a weight or elastic to side corners of fly to maintain tension.
New tip - tie the fly separately to each tree first so you can set up the hammock in rainy conditions without getting the hammock wet. This means that when the weight goes on the hammock it does not lower the rainfly and consequenly slack the fly tension. Another new tip is to tie the cord at one end of the fly, take it around the tree back through the ring at that end of the fly all way around the tree the tree back through the same ring all the way along the underside of the fly through the ring at that end of the fly all the way around tree and back to the ring at that end. This cord does two things - it keeps the fly taut, removes wrinkles in the top of the fly and helps to prevent any water collection in the wrinkles of the fly. Another really good tip is to tie the side tie outs for the rainfly as far as out as possible, either to the ground or to bushes or branches and hang a weight right at each side corner of the rainfly.
When the fly gets wet and stretches, instead of getting loose and saggy, the weight will automatically lower the fly for storm conditions and maintain the same rainfly tension as when it was dry.
Dry and repack damp gear to avoid mildew, mold or color bleeding. To clean, hand wash using mild detergent, warm water rinse and air dry. Inspect for damage after each use. Children under 12 years must be supervised. Do not smoke, cook or light fires inside the hammock.
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